(@ninamarievisuals or www.ninamarievisuals.com)
Mental Health Tips
Mental health is a popular buzz word right now, and for good reasons. Throughout these odd times that we are in, many of you have been worried about your health, trying to maintain a healthy weight while at home, or researching different immune system boosters to help keep this virus away. With sooo many things to keep you occupied, we oftentimes forget about our mental health.
“Nothing is at least sacred but the integrity of the mind…”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of the mind…” something to remember while fighting off the humdrum repetitive lifestyle of being at home all the time. As many of you realize, going out and just doing the little things is what has kept our minds going. Our brains were created to think and be stimulated daily and now we are either bombarded with our home lives mixing with work, or just not mentally stimulated to do anything productive at all.
I have noticed within my own life that surviving this pandemic with your mind, body, and soul intact is easier said than done. So let me help; here are some mental health tips that can help you ease anxiety and energize your brain during this time; and GUESS WHAT? All of these things can be done from the comfort of your own home!
Natural Mood Boosters

Before this pandemic, when I first started my current job in New York City, I desperately wished I could just lay outside on the grass with the sun pouring over my face. You see, I work as a retoucher and am in a dark room most of the day (color calibrated monitors and sunlight don’t go well together). Unfortunately, that is a very hard task to do when you are surrounded by loud traffic in a moody congested city. So instead, I opt for going outside every day with my trusty sidekick Ashka (my dog), for a nice long walk to soak up as much of the sun as I can get. And she loves it too!
Natural sunlight is proven to boost serotonin levels within your body, which can be responsible for increasing your mood and clearing the mind, leaving you with a calmer aurora about your person. Studies have shown that something as simple as some sunlight can drastically change the way a person feels. Think about the winter blues, this usually occurs because the days are getting shorter, evening shifts to nighttime faster than we can rush home from our day job.
Check out this article on sunlight and you will be BLOWN AWAY with how far just a little bit of sun can go!
Exercise in Nature, or at Home!

Exercise! You know it, I know it, and you might not wanna hear it, but sometimes getting off your couch for a little more than just quarantine snacks can be beneficial for your mind and body. Just a few minutes of exercise 2-3 times a week can help stimulate your brain to become more sensitive in recognizing different hormones being released, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, which are responsible for relieving anxiety and depression. Anderson & Shivakumar, (2013) state that numerous epidemiological studies have shown that exercise improves one’s self-esteem and a sense of well being. Other Health Benefits include:
- It can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome as well as increase the energy levels of people suffering from progressive illnesses.
- Studies show improvements in brain health, as well as positive growth changes in different parts of the brain, such as the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and learning.
- Studies have also shown improvement in sleep quality with moderate activity throughout the week
Need some more motivation to get moving? Check my latest blog post here!
Exercising can be one of the hardest parts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but don’t let that scare you! There are sooo many different forms of exercises you can do, especially if being stuck at home is your current predicament. I for one, am a fan of yoga, the daily calm and deep sense of peace I get from this form of movement is something that has helped slow down my mind to connect with the body. I can even get an intense workout as well.
Here are some of my FAVORITE yoga videos below to help you get started (BTW: I LOVE anything from BohoBeautiful, if you’re looking for a solid workout and a good stretch, she’s your girl)!
Natural Herbs for A Natural Mind
The right foods can be super healing for the body. We need to give the body what it needs to heal itself from micro tears, oxidation and inflammation. We need to give ourselves time to do proper self care. By grabbing the right foods, we can make sure our mind has the best nutrients required to help balance out our hormones, or lack thereof.
Got anxiety? Natural herbs and spices such as chamomile, Tumeric, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, and holy basil have healing properties that can aid in managing stress. Let me explain…

You can’t talk about mood effecting herbs without mentioning Ashawaganda. This is number one in adaptogenic herbs, highly powerful in increasing serration and thus producing calming, almost sedative like effects. Of course, everything in moderation. But to my knowledge this is a pretty safe herb to consume, especially during a stressful time to help improve sleep, and take the edge off of the stress you’re experiencing.
- This ancient root (old as dirt, literally) which is native in India and North Africa is known to have high concentrations of withanolides that fight inflammation, tumor growth, and can reduce cortisol levels within the blood.
- One study concluded that the root of the ashwagandha plant proved to effectively improve a person’s resistance towards stress which, as you can imagine, improved overall quality of life.
One of my favorites that can also be taken in the form of a tea or supplement is Lemon Balm. If you need some help taking the edge off after a hard day, pop this into some warm water and enjoy the soothing benefits. It smells beautiful, it’s all natural and very healing to the body.
- While still in the early stages, several human research studies show promise with use of lemon balm to promote a sense of calm in body, particularly when it is stressed.
- Other early research shows that adding lemon balm to a food or drink reduces anxiety and improves memory and alertness during mental testing. Also, lemon balm appears to reduce anxious behavior in children during dental exams.
Rhodiola is one of my favorite adaptogenic herbs! If you’re battling with finals coming up, or having a stressful season at work, this herb is safe and effective for both stimulating your brain and also reducing anxiety. This is one of the supplements I have used in the past in short bouts (with all adaptogenic herbs, you need to give your body a break from them every few weeks).
- A 4 week study on Rhodiola showed significant improvements in symptoms of stress, such as fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety, after just three days. These improvements continued throughout the study.
- Rhodiola is also capable of fighting against stress related fatigue.
Holy Basil is also another herb you can add to your mix if you are looking into ways to help reduce stress. I have a beautiful essential oil that is made out of it which you can use to diffuse into the air and breathe in (since it has bronchitis preventing properties), or you can also consume this as a tea or supplement.
- According to the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, holy basil has antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties comparable to diazepam and antidepressant drugs.
- Holy Basil has both mental and physical stress revealing properties. Holy Basil has even been shown to protect against the toxic effects of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and mercury.
When I first got sick with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), I would experience these HORRIBLE bouts of irregular heartbeats that lasted HOURS and DAYS. It felt like torture, someone punching you from the inside out. No amount of magnesium, Epsom salts, and sleep fixed the issue, but one thing that did give me a calm moment was Chamomile. Not the mild cheap stuff you can find in the grocery store, but the more potent stuff like what’s found in Traditional Medicines Chamomile tea. It literally gave me hours of peace at a time, and I was very thankful for it’s soothing properties (in the end what helped me personally the most in combating the irregular heartbeats that were happening two weeks before my period came was Maca root, or more specifically Femmenessence MacaHarmony, this was a game changer in balancing my hormones…but back to Chamomile)!!
- Chamomile is a common herb that is effectively used in tea or as an extract and contains powerful antioxidants, not only decreases anxiety but can also aid in the reduction of inflammation.
- Studies have shown that people who added chamomile to their diet for approx. 8 weeks observed fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- Chamomile is being researched on it’s effectiveness in the treatment of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), and more specifically, “chamomile may exert an antidepressant effect along with its previously reported antianxiety effects in this same population…chamomile may produce a clinically meaningful antidepressant effect in humans“.
As I’ve mentioned in some of my previous blog posts, like Immune Boosters or my favorite homemade Golden Turmeric Milk, Turmeric is a staple that must not be missed out of your diet. It’s what gives my favorite Indian food it’s rich yellow and orange color. And number one on my list for reducing inflammation, which comes as a result of stress and daily life! Just consult with your doctor first before consuming it if you are on blood thinners or other drugs.
- Curcumin, a compound most easily found in… you guessed it! Turmeric. This is used to boost omega-3 fatty acids and DHA in the brain. Studies have shown that Curcumin, like Chamomile, has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in brain cell health.
- Curcumin has also been found to increase blood flow and antioxidants within one’s body, which helps in fighting against anxiety and depression.
If you’re finding yourself tossing and turning in bed, with your mind constantly racing with worries or planning out the next day, then this herb is for you. And WOW is it powerful. This is the number one herb I recommend to people who are struggling with insomnia. Even in some of the toughest of cases, a good healthy dose of valerian root in tincture form or in a potent tea bag is enough to knock anyone out! Just be sure to test it in smaller dosages first and always consult with your doctor of course 🙂
- Researchers have shown that low GABA levels related to acute and chronic stress are linked to anxiety and low-quality sleep. Valerenic acid has been found to inhibit the breakdown of GABA in the brain, resulting in feelings of calmness and tranquility. This is the same way anti-anxiety medications like Valium and Xanax work. Or, more specifically, Neurobiological research has begun to show that the herb, with its active valerenic acid, interacts with the GABA(A)-ergic system, a mechanism of action similar to the benzodiazepine drugs.
- Valerian Root might be able to assist in OCD. In an eight-week controlled study of adults with OCD, the group who took valerian extract on a daily basis showed a significant reduction in obsessive and compulsive behaviors when compared to the control group.
By now you are probably understanding the power that different herbs can contain to help with anxiety, depression, as well as strengthening current brain function. If you want to get your hands on some of these powerful mind healing herbs, check out some of my favorite brands like Garden of Life’s Golden Turmeric Milk tea, Gaia’s Ashawaganda Herb (I found this one potent so go slow!), or Oregon’s Wild Harvest Lemon Balm.
Mental Health in Whole Foods

Ok so, what about some ACTUAL foods, you ask? No problem! I’ve got you guys covered, here are some you probably already have in your kitchen, check these out:
- Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons Oh My! Literally any foods rich in vitamin C is golden baby! These foods have high concentrations of antioxidants which, as previously mentioned, can reduce inflammation and protect brain function from damage, which is a leading cause of anxiety
- Omega-3 fatty acids are a big brain booster as well! It is well known that omega-3’s most commonly found in fish but it is also found in Chia Seeds. Foods with Omega-3’s support anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, and neurobiological plasticity. This means omega 3’s prove to be beneficial to improve mood and anxiety.
- Fruits, Nuts, and Whole Grains. Different types of fruit such as blueberries and bananas along with nuts and whole grains such as almonds and oats (respectively) have the ability to boost serotonin levels, as well as provide different vitamins such as vitamin E, D, C and additionally activate tryptophan which promote relaxation and anxiety relief.
- Yogurt. Yogurt can be such an awesome simple snack that is packed with probiotics that inhibits free radicals and neurotoxins, which makes way for healthier nerve and brain tissue.
Times are hard, but as each day passes, all of us are getting smarter about what we put into our bodies because we have realized that a better functioning body is nothing without a sound functioning mind to go along with it.
For anyone who needs to hear this, YOU ARE ALL SPECIAL, and YOU MATTER! Always remember that, even if you don’t feel it in this present moment. There is no better way to prove it than to give your body AND MIND a chance to not only survive but to thrive! You deserve to feel great.
May God and good health be with you always! Take care <3