Tough times
So, exactly 18 days ago, we got the news. First we were told that the boss of our department will be retiring (out of the blue), and we were left to sit with that information over the weekend, wondering what it meant for the rest of us. Then Monday at 3pm, the meeting came. We all joined virtually to hear a script read to us stating that our entire In-House Agency will be shutting down this year. I think my heart instantly stopped, because I had a sudden rush of light-headedness.
The company I had worked at for 6 years (since I graduated college), was closing shop. The people I met and formed bonds with, the laughs and debates we shared, the birthdays we celebrated together with funny retouched cards over By Chloe’s cupcakes, the commute I had daily to Midtown NY on the train ride to and from work (that’ll be only partially missed lol)…all if it was suddenly being taken away from me. And a overwhelming sense of insecurity came in its place.
For the past two weeks, I’ve felt very much like a lost puppy. Like I’ve been running full speed, but going nowhere. I was really depressed the first week. Since then I’ve been keeping myself SUPER busy with polishing my portfolio and resume, building up my Wedding Photography side gig, finishing up personal CGI projects, reading books and taking long walks with my dog, trying to breathe one step at a time. I am fortunate to have had this experience, this job was a blessing that I will NEVER forget. <3

Brighter Days
So now, onto new things! Right?
I don’t know what the future holds for either of us. This 2020 year seems like a big bust, not the one we all were looking forward to months and years back. Corona-virus, protests, financial hardship, whats next? It can be hard to spot the sunshine in the midst of a storm. Personally, I believe in the value of hard work. I think that if you work hard enough consistently enough, you will achieve just about anything you put your mind to in time. You just have to want it, bad. So bad, that you’d be willing to loose sleep, sacrifice spending time with friends, and pausing other hobbies you enjoy. Yes yes it’s important to have a life/work balance, but sometimes that balance needs to come after you’ve put in some work.
As the Bible says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28. I’m holding on tight to that promise!
Baby Shower time!
My Aunt is having her 3rd child! So we held a mini Baby Shower for her and celebrated with more friends and family over Zoom. It was such a great day, because we held it in the Pizza Place my Nonno use to own for 36 years (they closed it when I was 8). So many memories, such great ambiance. My hope for this place honestly is that my Mother will take over the spot with her Cake Baking business! We’ll see… But for now, if you’re looking for something uplifting, check out the photos I snapped of the event. All smiles, the first time we were together as a family since Christmas 🙂
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Time to make some BREAD! Shall we?
Easiest Bread Recipe Ever!
I’ll admit it, I’m a weakling. My arm strength is little to none. So kneading = no fun for me! But good for me, this recipe doesn’t require ANY strength in your hands or arms! Seriously, it’s super easy, and fun to watch the dough grow.
I cannot take credit for this recipe, this came from Mark Bittman and was recommended to me by one of my co-workers. I tried to follow everything to a T, except I used organic flour and ‘Red Star’ fresh yeast instead of instant yeast.
My results came out fantastic! A hard crunchy exterior crust, and a soft moist inside. I was so surprised, I felt like I had just bought this from a REAL BAKERY, but instead, I made it MYSELF in my own HOME! Huge sense of accomplishment. I made some delicious Pesto from my garden to go with this, if you’re in the mood for that too give that recipe a try! Takes 5 minutes to prepare 🙂

Bread so good, even you’re dog will want a slice.
No seriously. You gotta watch who I caught on camera eating my bread!!
Apparently even carnivore dogs, such as my husky, also crave it, LOL!! Don’t ask me why she likes bread so much, but she snagged herself a slice when we weren’t looking and I happened to catch it on our home video cameras haha! Ignore my messy kitchen, we had run out to go hiking that evening before the sun set.
Watch the video to see this mischievous doggy. She had me cracking up that she even did that honestly!
So what are you waiting for? You probably already have all of the ingredients! Let’s begin!! AND don’t forget to tag me @ninasveganrecipes when you post the results you’ve had with it!

- 4 Cups - Organic all-purpose or bread flour (more for sprinkling)
- 2 Cups - Warm filtered water
- 1/2 tsp - Fresh yeast or instant yeast
- 2 tsp - Sea Salt
- 2 Tbsp - olive oil
- Extra cornmeal or flour as needed (for coating the outside)
- Mix together your organic flour, salt and olive oil in a large mixing bowl. In the meanwhile, get 2 cups of warm filtered water (it needs to be between 70-100°F to activate your yeast, so a little above room temperature) and add your yeast to it. Let that sit for 5 minutes while it gets foamy. Mix a little of it's too clumpy.
- Add the water/yeast mix to your mixing bowl and stir everything together with a wooden spoon, or better yet, with your hands! Once everything is properly combined, form into a ball and cover with plastic wrap for 18 hours at room temperature. If your kitchen is particularly warm (summer), the dough needs a little less time (say 16 hours). If it's cold, add two more hours. The dough will be 'ready' when it has little bubbles at the surface.
- Approximately 18 hours later, light your work surface with cornmeal, and pour your dough onto the surface. Form it into a ball to get it lightly coated in the cornmeal, then place plastic wrap on top for 15 minutes.
- Then grab a small scoopful of cornmeal or flour and sprinkle generously over a clean cotton kitchen towel. Transfer the dough onto the cloth and cover with another cloth for 2 hours to let rise. Once this time is finished, the dough should have doubled in size!
- Half an hour before the dough is ready, place your ceramic, cast iron, enamel, pyrex etc etc pot/pan/dish into the oven and turn the temperature to 450°F. This will allow the pot to warm up safely and not crack from the temperature change.
- Once the oven is warmed up 30 minutes later, take the pot out of the oven, and plop the dough inside. It won't fall gracefully, and that's OK - because it will likely fix itself in the oven. Cover with the lid and place in the oven for 30 minutes.
- Then remove the lid and bake for another 20-30 minutes, or until the bread has goldened on the outside.
- Once it's ready, take the bread out of the oven, turn the pan upside down and carefully scrape it out. Let the bread sit for 30 minutes before eating. Enjoy in the fridge for a week!