Hello friends!! I wanted to apologize for my missing appearance on this blog the past few months, it has been a crazy and adventurous few months! For starters, I got ENGAGED August 14th to my boyfriend of 5 years!!!! Then I went to FLORIDA for the following week, and then got a JOB in NYC the week after, and MOVED 2 weeks after that!!! So I am still in the process of settling in and getting a feel for my new position in midtown NY, but I am enjoying it all so far, especially the fiance part 😉
This is the most exciting month I think I’ve had my whole life, just so many moving parts, so much to look forward to, I feel extremely blessed right now. Only downside is that my fiance is still traveling the country on internships for his graduate degree, so I won’t be seeing him as often for a solid year. But then we’ll be together…forever… (God willing) :D!
Tuna Fish – Vegan Style!
Here is a recipe I became aware of at Church this weekend (I apologize for the iphone photos). Someone brought it in for potluck! How cool is that?
Who misses the taste of TUNA!? I don’t know about you, but I know I miss that fishy taste. It’s something I grew up on, as my mom would make me tuna fish sandwiches or tuna fish pasta for school.
Fun fact: I went to Africa a few years ago and practically lived on fish as a vegetarian (there was not much for me to eat as a vegetarian on the island of Sao Tome and Cape Verde Africa), so I grew a strong liking to all kinds of fish. There was fish that I never even heard of or saw before, and I basically had no choice but to eat it, because there were not a whole lot of filling vegan options around besides plantain (which I had my fair share of!) and star fruit (also yummy!). They did have rice, which I enjoyed, and eggs, which I also partook in. Even so, I lost 5lbs in 30 days. Note to self: next time I go to a foreign country for a while, make sure they have lots of vegan options! Anyways back to the recipe…
I sort of merged two recipes to recreate my own recipe of Tuna fish!! You can use it for Sandwiches, Dip, or make your own Vegan Tuna Fish Pasta with it! It has virtually the same consistency. Although it is not an ideal match, I can tell you that it does have a very similar taste. I love the flavor regardless, and is super good for you, with the base of this recipe being filling and delicious chickpeas (loaded in fiber and nutrients)! Did I mention how EASY this recipe is to make? Done in 5 minutes or less, just time yourself! And tell me if you know of a more fishier vegan recipe, because I want to know! I can’t even find an option like it in stores, so for now, I’m stickin with this.
If you’re not a fish flavor kind of person, you can give this veggie meatball recipe a try instead!
Give it a shot! OK Back to wedding planning, hope you’re having a great week!!

- 1 16oz Can Garbanzo/Chick Peas
- -
- 1 Lemon (Juice)
- 2 Garlic Cloves
- 1 Cup Finely Chopped Celery
- 2 Scallions Finely Chopped
- 4 Tbsp Vegenaise
- 2 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
- 1 Tbsp Mustard Seed
- 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 tsp Cayanne Pepper
- 2 tsp Sea Salt
- 2 tsp Kelp
- Drain and rinse chickpeas. Place in a mixing bowl and mash with a fork.
- Mix in together the rest of the ingredients.
- Store in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Mix with your desired pasta, spread on a sandwich with lettuce and toasted whole wheat bread, or use as a dip!