I am SO looking forward to tonights dinner! Why? Because I prepared Stuffed Pasta Shells (recipe coming soon!) and this delicious Raw Pumpkin Persimmon Pie to eat with my family!! Tim (husband) made Baked Sweet Potato with Maple Pecan sauce, and his famous Cranberry Sauce. And my Aunt is going to be preparing her DECADANT Raw vegan BROWNIES! AHKFDGJDK! I cannot WAIT for those, they are my FAVORITE, I think I even enjoy them more than Hail Merry’s Tarts (and that is saying a LOT)!! I just love chocolate.
But of course, it is good to try other desserts too. And thats exactly why I followed FullyRawKristina’s Pumpkin Pie recipe! This is made from whole foods: pumpkins, persimmon, cashews & dates. If you are looking for a fun and easy recipe to make for your family and friends, try this one! You can’t get any more seasonal than this after all 😛
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I mentioned this on my instagram page, but I wanted to thank God for my husband Tim who is always by my side, people in my family who are there for me, my dog Ashka who gets me out of the house and my 2 cats I adore to snuggle with, my best friends (you know who you are) who help me in my life, and my job for providing me with financial stability. There is so much we get bummed out about that takes away from us remembering all the good we have in our life. Politics get us worked up, finances stress us out, family might fighting can be overbearing, a loved one is suffering with a disease, etc, but always try to remember the blessings you still have in your life. You might feel like you see nothing at the moment to be thankful for (although I urge you to dig deeper in your mind and remember that even having breath I think is worth giving thanks for), but maybe you had an amazing experience in the past that you can look back on and be thankful that you had. Even the lowest parts of our life can be something that works for our good. Life can get better, so if you are not at the point in your life where you feel at peace, know that things change. People come out of slumps, fix broken relationships, get the job they needed, find a new hobby or make a life long friend. Even if it does not seem that way now, good can still come about in time. So this thanksgiving, no matter whether you are spending it happily or stressed out with a large family or just by yourself, remember to be thankful for the little things you do have, and remember, you are Loved <3.
God Bless you all!

- 1.5 Cups - Pecans
- 1.5 Cups - Dates
- 1 tsp - Oil (to coat the pie pan with)
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- 1.5 Cans - Pumpkin Pure
- 1 - Persimmon
- 1 Cup - Cashews
- 1 Handful - Dates
- 2-4 Tbsp - Maple Syrup (adjust to your liking)
- 1 tsp - Cinnamon Powder
- 1 tsp - Ginger Powder
- 1 tsp - Vanilla Extract
- Almond Milk (optional if you need to make your filling thinner)
- Throw your pecans and dates into a food processor and process until it forms a thick sticky paste. Scrape out and line your pie pan with oil, then begin pressing the batter down to form a wall along the bottom and edges of the pan.
- Next blend all of your 'filling' ingredients together until it creates a creamy smoothie like consistency. Pour into your crust and place in the freezer overnight.
When ready to eat, take out of the freezer for an hour to let de-thaw, and top with fresh cranberries, coconut whip cream, or cookies like I did!